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Mg Rx5 2023 sealladh farsaing, tha RX5 a bharrachd air 23 modalan de na sgèithirean, a 'cur fàilte air co-chomhairleachadh.

MG RX5 2023 Sealladh farsaing: Tha RX5 a bharrachd air 23 modailean de na sgèithirean, a 'cur fàilte air co-chomhairleachadh.


Is e an MG Rx5 tairgse a 'bhrand Sìneach-Breatannach de chrois-airgid. An all-new model came out in 2023. Only one engine is available – a 1.5-litre turbocharged 4-cylinder engine with a 7-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission. The front-wheel-drive 2023 MG RX5 is available with LED headlamps, two-tone 18-inch rims, high-quality cabin finish including soft-touch surfaces, opening panoramic sunroof, adjustable fold-flat rear seats with split/fold function, power tailgate, keyless entry, a start button and an auto-hold brake function. A remote smart app allows the driver to operate vehicle functions such as remote start and stop air conditioning, vehicle tracking and after-sales appointments, even reminding owners of the services needed for the car. There is a 14.1-inch high-definition infotainment touchscreen with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, as well as a 12.3-inch digital navigation cluster for the driver. Tha an 2023 MG Rx5 a 'tighinn le smachd ESP agus Tarraing, siostam smachd breiceadh duilich agus barrachd. Passive safety features include a strengthened body structure that uses thermal formed steel, front and side airbags as standard, and 6 airbags including 2 curtains airbags available with the top trim, automatic unlocking in the event of a collision and a collapsible steering column, all of which have helped the MG RX5 earn a 5-star rating in the Chinese C-NCAP crash tests. The standard Electronic Stability Program includes 8 safety functions such as the ABS, EBD, EBA, ARP, CBC HDC, TCS and BDW to enhance driving stability.

23.7.6 rx5 a bharrachd air pàirtean fèin-ghluasadach
A bharrachd air an sin, tha na pàirtean càr gu lèir againn cuideachd den ghinealach a bh 'ann roimhe de Rx5, ma dh' fheumas do chàr na pàirtean agad a chur nan àite, faodaidh tu briogadhrx5ri fhaicinn.



Ùine a 'phuist: Jul-06-2023